söndag 5 maj 2013

Spring Festival

During the month of may, Malmö city organizes spring festival( vårfest) in Katrinetorp. Katrinetorp is situated just outside Malmo and houses a mansion surrounded by park
This years spring festival had spring market where cheese, bread and other productcts from the local farms are sold. A garden fair and a exhibition of antique artifacts is also on dispaly.
Spring festival in Katrinetorp, weather permitting makes a good family picnic and offers possibility to enjoy nature.

onsdag 1 maj 2013

Indian Students at Swedish universities

Sweden is a country known for its quality higher education. This year, 3 Swedish universities are among the top 100 universities in the world. Inspite of this, when it comes to studying at Swedish universities, there are not many takers from India.

Data from Statistiska Central Byrån (SCB) shows that the number of Indian students enrolled in Swedish universities in the year 2012 has dropped by one-fourth compared to year 2010.  As it stands, only 259 Indian students(male and female) has opted to study in Sweden  compared to 1100 in 2010. The main reason for lackluster demand is that Swedish universities started charging tuition fees for Non-EU students from 2011. Education at universities were free of charge prior to 2011.

fredag 8 mars 2013

Sugar beet

I have always thought that sugarcanes are the only ones to produce sugar - Until I came to Sweden. Sugar beets (SockerBeta in Swedish)  are also used to produce sugar. SUgar beet plantations can be found in many parts of skåne during summer.