måndag 9 april 2012

We made a visit to Ängavallen farm, a ecological farm outside Vellinge,Skåne. Ängavallen, is a small village outside Vellinge between Malmö and Trelleborg.The farm has a butik where products produced(predominately meat products) in the farm are sold. It even has a good, cozy restaurant offering lunch. 
The owner of the farm was a very nice gentleman and he offered to show us around the farm talking about his farm and the farm animals. The farm animals are fed only organic food, are allowed to wander in the pastures nearby and have a stress free happy life unlike the animals bred for big meat producing corporations.

It was an afternoon well spent but i kept asking myself one question as i came out of the farm. If someone is so concerned about animal and their well-being, why not turn vegetarian? And, i know the answer is difficult...